The deadline of the AAMA grant applications is in less than 6 weeks. There are 2 grant opportunities; one for $10,000 and the second for $5,000. Completed applications are due May 31, 2022. All details and application forms can be found on our website at:
The goal of the grants should align with the following:
To promote disease prevention strategies and healthy behavior
To improve the status of health care and its delivery
To establish health programs in places where there are none
To develop evidence-based health care educational and/or training programs
The AAMA will be leading a 3-hour virtual seminar on June 4, from 9am till 12pm. The topic of presentation will be: Pathways to Success: A Celebration of Women in Healthcare. We anticipate hosting 6 highly achieved female academicians, scientists, and leaders in health care to highlight their current medical/scientific professional activities and achievements, including key factors influencing personal and professional growth. We have 4 confirmed speakers to date and waiting to get final confirmation from two more before we make a formal announcement (see save the date attachment).
The AAMA-sponsored health fair is happening on Saturday May 21 from 1-4pm. This will be a collaboration with Mount Auburn Hospital, Lahey, and the town of Watertown and will take place at ACEC. This will include: Basic Health Screenings; Interactions with Health Professionals; Access to Community Resources; Yoga and Qigong Mini Sessions; Nutrition Information; Raffles and Giveaways. Everyone is invited to attend (please see attachment for more details).
The HBO project for the Mikayelyan (Yerevan) and the Republican (Stepanakert) hospitals is inching forward one step at a time. For Yerevan, we have identified a Chinese company from which we will purchase the Dewars tanks and other supplies that will store and deliver the liquid oxygen needed during the treatment sessions. For Stepanakert, if we are unable to guarantee a reliable and consistent supply of liquid oxygen, given the challenges of transporting it from Armenia to Artsakh, we will identify alternate options. As plan B, we are actively working with the minister of health (Mr Hayiryan) and others to determine if we can use compressed oxygen in its gaseous state. Although most of the funds to complete this project have been set aside, we anticipate the need for an additional $15,000 to get it through the finish line. I urge all those interested in sponsoring this one-of-a-kind project to contribute generously to the AAMA. Your donations are tax-deductible. For additional questions, please connect with me.
The AAMA in collaboration with the Wisconsin and Chicago-area Armenian physicians have renewed the Dynamed subscription (clinical educational tool for clinicians) at the Armenian National Medical Library. Over the past year, there were a total of 1,504 search clicks with a total of 1,102 full-text requests. This coming year’s renewal of Dynamed is $4,100. Thank you to all who helped fund this program for a second year.
The AAMA has been awarded a $9,000 grant from a local foundation in support of our community work in Watertown, as well as our support of medical student and allied health scholarships!
Pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students). AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible.
If you shop on Amazon, the AAMA is registered with the Amazon Smile program. Choose AAMA as your non-profit organization and a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to us.
With respect
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham Compliance HelpLine at .
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.
It is now official. The AAMA has released its announcement regarding the availability of 2 grants; one for $10,000 and the second for $5,000. Completed applications are due May 31, 2022. All details and application forms can be found on our website at:
The goal of the grants should align with the following:
To promote disease prevention strategies and healthy behavior
To improve the status of health care and its delivery
To establish health programs in places where there are none
To develop evidence-based health care educational and/or training programs
The AAMA Happy Hour will take place on Friday, March 18, 2022 at 6:30pm.
The restaurant is accessible by public transit. There is street or garage parking nearby. See attached flyer for more details. Please join us and bring your loved ones with you to socialize, network, and learn about mentorship opportunities. Cash bar and food will be available for purchase; otherwise there will be no fee to attend. For AAMA members, there will be an opportunity to pay your annual dues, if you have not already done so (check / cash / Venmo all accepted)
The AAMA will be leading a 3-hour virtual seminar on June 4, from 9am till 12pm. The topic of presentation will be: Pathways to Success: A Celebration of Women in Healthcare. We anticipate to host 6 highly achieved academicians, scientists, and leaders in health care to highlight their current medical/scientific professional activities and achievements, including key factors influencing personal and professional growth. More details to follow.
Gail Guzelian, MD has joined the AAMA board. Welcome!
The AAMA-sponsored health fair is happening in early May. This will be a collaboration with Mount Auburn Hospital, Lahey, and the town of Watertown and will take place at ACEC. More details to follow soon.
The AAMA in collaboration with the Wisconsin Armenian physicians continue to support Dynamed (clinical educational tool for clinicians) at the Armenian National Medical Library. Over the past year, there were a total of 1,504 search clicks with a total of 1,102 full-text requests. This coming year’s renewal of Dynamed is $4,100. All those interested in sponsoring this vital educational tool for our colleagues in Armenia are encouraged to contribute to the AAMA. As usual, your donations will be tax-deductible.
We are working on reviving the US-based Armenian medical student elective rotations in Armenia. In collaboration with Dick Babayan from the BU, we are currently identifying different individual physicians and hospitals including Mikaelyan and NIH to possibly host our students and organize those rotations. Interested med students are encouraged to reach out to me or the AAMA for more details.
Pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students) or at the happy hour next week. AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible.
If you shop on Amazon, the AAMA is registered with the Amazon Smile program. Choose AAMA as your non-profit organization and a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to us.
With respect
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham Compliance HelpLine at .
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.
I hope you are all having a safe and restful Superbowl Sunday (May the most deserving team win!). Please find below our AAMA January newsletter:
The AAMA will be announcing the availability of 2 grants; one for $10,000 and the second for $5,000. These grants will be open to any individual, group, or NGO (Armenian or Odar) who are working on, or are interested in developing, health care projects in Armenia or Artsakh. Collaborations are encouraged. The full announcement and application / forms will be released soon.
We are expecting Anush Sahakian to return back from Armenia and Artsakh for feedback on our proposed collaboration with the Tufenkian foundation to establish the primary health care program in Artsakh, and specifically in Martuni.
We are working on reviving the US-based Armenian medical student elective rotations in Armenia. In collaboration with Dick Babayan from the BU, we are identifying medical centers, and academic physicians in Armenia to help organize those rotations. Interested med students are encouraged to reach out to me or the AAMA for more details.
Rosalynn Nazarian, our AAMA vice president, is leading a committee to develop a one-day zoom seminar open to all the public on the topic of Armenian Women and Professional Development. Date, time and details to follow, but likely sometime in May or June.
We will have an AAMA Happy Hour on Friday, March 18, 2022 at 6:30pm. Location: Mex Restaurant; 500 Technology Square; Cambridge, MA 02139. The restaurant is accessible by public transit. There is street or garage parking nearby. A flyer will follow. Please make an extra effort to join us and bring your loved ones with you to socialize, network, and learn about mentorship opportunities.
The AAMA continues to explore opportunities to collaborate with COAF both in the Armenian Marzes or in Artsakh to improve population health care and education in the region.
We have made some progress with organizing the AAMA-sponsored health fair. This will be a collaboration with Mount Auburn Hospital, Lahey, and the town of Watertown and will take place at ACEC. Date and time coming up sometime in May.
The AAMA continues to support Dynamed (clinical educational tool for clinicians) at the Armenian National Medical Library. Over the past year, there were a total of 1,504 search clicks with a total of 1,102 full-text requests. This coming year’s renewal of Dynamed is $4,100. All those interested in sponsoring this vital educational tool for our colleagues in Armenia are encouraged to contribute to the AAMA. As usual, your donations will be tax-deductible.
Pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students). AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible.
If you shop on Amazon, the AAMA is registered with the Amazon Smile program. Choose AAMA as your non-profit organization and a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to us.
I hope you all had a peaceful, happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. Please find below our AAMA January newsletter:
A big thank you to all who responded with your pledges to the AAMA end of the year fundraising campaign. We received close to $50,000 of donations. This will help us continue with our various ongoing projects and plan new projects both in Armenia / Artsakh and New England. We cannot do all the work we do without your financial support. With gratitude!
One of our top priorities this year is finalize the preparations of the HBO infrastructure, put the machines to work, and operationalize the HBO programs both in Yerevan and Artsakh.
A second priority is to establish the primary health care program in Artsakh, and specifically in Martuni, in collaboration with the Tufenkian foundation.
Along the same lines, the AAMA has learned that COAF is considering expansion into Artsakh. We will continue to explore opportunities to collaborate with COAF both in the Armenian Marzes or in Artsakh to improve population health care and education in the region.
The AAMA sponsored 40Ft container from Partners in World Health with medical supplies worth over $450,000 has now reached its final destination. All medical supplies have been delivered to the following two hospitals in Armenia: Sourp Asdvadzamayr and the Traumatology and Orthopedics Center.
The AAMA student scholarship program has awarded a $2,000 scholarship to a medical student and two $1,500 scholarships to allied health care students. The scholarship recipients are Dikran Raffi Balian, Lilit Derkevorkian, and Grace DerBoghossian. Congratulations to all!
The AAMA grant program will soon be announcing two small grant opportunities for individuals or non-profits interested in doing health-care related projects in Armenia or Artsakh to apply to. One grant will offer $10,000 and the second will offer $5,000.
Keep on the look-out for the AAMA sponsored health fair. This will be a collaboration with Mount Auburn Hospital and will take place at ACEC. Date and time coming up sometime in May.
Vicken Babikian, an AAMA board member, in collaboration with the Armenia NIH, the Armenia Stroke Council, and Dr Zarmine Naccashian and her nursing group from Los Angeles has organized a stroke nurse educational course that is being given over 4 Saturdays in January for nurses in Armenia. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Vicken.
The AAMA has facilitated the donation of $2,000 USD to Arevik Children’s hospital in Stepanakert (Artsakh) for the purchase of anti-epilepsy medications. This effort was made possible by Vicken Babikian and his Armenian Neurology physician group.
The AAMA continues to support UpToDate at Kanaker-Zeytun and Arabkir Hospitals, as well as the Mikaelyan institue.
The BostonArmenian Biotech group is hosting a presentation by Dr. John Balian, the CEO and a board member of ClinChoice Inc: a Clinical Research Organization with significant presence in Armenia. Dr. Balian will share his experience with opening a bio/technology company in Armenia. This will be a Zoom seminar and will take place on January 25 at 7pm. Meeting URL:
Please visit our website at and enjoy all the upgrades and new features that we have incorporated. For new or current members, we ask that you pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students). This will give you access to other clinicians, volunteer opportunities, discounts on events, and other. Remember that the AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible. Most of your paid dues go to fund medical student and allied health student scholarships. We are also on FB, Instagram, and Twitter.
Another important reminder that we (the AAMA) are registered with the Amazon Smile program. Every time you purchase an item from Amazon, provided you choose AAMA as your non-profit from the Amazon Smile website, a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to AAMA. We now have over 230 members / friends on this mailing list. The dollars add up. If you have not already, please consider making use of this program while shopping on Amazon.
If any of you are interested in being more actively involved with any of the AAMA activities above, or should you have an idea / project you would like to undertake or a donation to make, please reach out to me and we will get you more involved and support you as best we can.
Please see below the latest updates on the AAMA activities for the past two weeks:
No updates on the HBO project. We are currently exploring the options of purchasing liquid oxygen tanks (Dewars) from different sources to supply the machines with therapeutic oxygen.
The AAMA is working with the Tufenkian Foundation, Carolann Najarian, and Anush Sahakian (who is consulting for the Artsakh MOH) to establish a program of primary health care (and training the locals) in Martuni, Artsakh. Nick Akgulian, MD (from the US) will be leading the mission and will likely be assisted by a physician from Armenia.
Anush Sahakian, from the AAMA, and Aram Adourian, from the Armenian biotech group, will be giving a COVID vaccine zoom webinar that is geared to teachers and educators in Armenia (Date and time forthcoming).
AAMA has donated 5K to the ICPD (International Center for Professional Development) led by Rafi Avetisian, MD. This center’s task is to promote, develop, and administer high standard and evidence-based conferences and educational programs for Armenian physicians and health care workers.
The Face of Angel laser project for our wounded Armenian soldiers that the AAMA is supporting in part with a $20,000 grant is moving forward with a big announcement expected soon!
The deadline for the AAMA scholarship applications has been extended till 11/15/2021. All medical students and allied health students are encouraged to apply. Please visit our website for more details:
The AAMA will soon be announcing a small grant program for individuals or non-profits interested in doing health-care related projects in Armenia or Artsakh to apply to.
The virtual AMIC world congress will take place on November 6 and 7. The AAMA is one of the sponsors of the event and we will be given a 10 minute on Sunday November 7 (time to be determined) to highlight our association and the work we do. Please see the link below for more information:
We are planning an Armenian Christmas party (brunch or dinner) in collaboration with the Armenian Pharmacy Association the weekend of January 6/7 (More details forthcoming)
Armineh Mirzabegian is leading a virtual educational interactive session with physicians in Armenia as part of the FAR CME program in December. The topic to be addressed will be “Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Primary Prevention Strategies”. Through case presentations, the presenters will review screening strategies and primary prevention, through lifestyle change and treatment with emphasis on patient education and patient engagement. All members interested in participating are encouraged to reach out to Armineh.
The AAMA is exploring potential collaborations with COAF and Lorky Libaridian. Two areas of common interest include: (a) possibilities of sending US med students and residents to the COAF-run health clinics and medical centers for 3-4 weeks elective rotations; (b) AAMA and other diaspora specialty and subspecialty support for the COAF primary care providers by telehealth.
Please visit our website at and enjoy all the upgrades and new features that we have incorporated. For new or current members, we ask that you pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students). This will give you access to other clinicians, volunteer opportunities, discounts on events, and other. Remember that the AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible. Most of your paid dues go to fund medical student and allied health student scholarships. We are also on FB, Instagram, and Twitter.
Another important reminder that we (the AAMA) are registered with the Amazon Smile program. Every time you purchase an item from Amazon, provided you choose AAMA as your non-profit from the Amazon Smile website, a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to AAMA. We now have over 218 members / friends on this mailing list. The dollars add up. Please consider making use of this program while shopping on Amazon.
If any of you are interested in being more actively involved with any of the AAMA activities above, or should you have an idea / project you would like to undertake or a donation to make, please reach out to me and we will get you more involved and support you as best we can.
With respect
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly dispose of the e-mail.
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.
Please see below the latest updates on the AAMA activities for the past three weeks:
The progress on establishing the infrastructure needs to make the 2 HBO machines operational is moving forward slowly. We are currently exploring the options of purchasing liquid oxygen tanks (Dewars) from different sources to supply the machines with therapeutic oxygen.
Armineh Mirzabegian is leading a virtual educational interactive session with physicians in Armenia as part of the FAR CME program in December. The topic to be addressed will be “Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Primary Prevention Strategies”. Through case presentations, the presenters will review screening strategies and primary prevention, through lifestyle change and treatment with emphasis on patient education and patient engagement. All members interested in participating are encouraged to reach out to Armineh.
The AAMA is working on the job description, logistics, and planning to materialize the project of supporting the mission of a US trained primary care physician to establish a program of primary health care (and possibly training the locals) in the towns and villages of Artsakh. We are engaged in meetings with Tufenkian foundation and the Artsakh MOH.
The AAMA is exploring potential collaborations with COAF and Lorky Libaridian. Two areas of common interest include: (a) possibilities of sending US med students and residents to the COAF-run health clinics and medical centers for 3-4 weeks elective rotations; (b) AAMA and other diaspora specialty and subspecialty support for the COAF primary care providers by telehealth.
The deadline for the AAMA scholarship applications is around the corner (10/31/2021). All medical students and allied health students are encouraged to apply. Please visit our website for more details:
Our second C-arm donated by the AAMA has found its new home at the Traumatology and Orthopedics Hospital in Yerevan (see photo).
Our 40Ft AAMA container from Partners in World Health with medical supplies worth over $450,000 has arrived to Georgia on its way to Armenia.
The virtual AMIC world congress will take place on November 6 and 7: Please see flyer for more details.
AAMA will be exploring opportunities to more actively collaborate with our Armenian pharmacy colleagues in Boston.
Please visit our website at and enjoy all the upgrades and new features that we have incorporated. For new or current members, we ask that you pay your dues through the website electronically ($150 for licensed practitioners, $75 for residents and fellows, free for all students). This will give you access to other clinicians, volunteer opportunities, discounts on events, and other. Remember that the AAMA is a non-profit organization. All your donations, including payment of your dues, are tax-deductible. Most of your paid dues go to fund medical student and allied health student scholarships. We are also on FB, Instagram, and Twitter.
Another important reminder that we (the AAMA) are registered with the Amazon Smile program. Every time you purchase an item from Amazon, provided you choose AAMA as your non-profit from the Amazon Smile website, a certain percentage of your purchase gets donated to AAMA. We now have over 218 members / friends on this mailing list. The dollars add up. Please consider making use of this program while shopping on Amazon.
If any of you are interested in being more actively involved with any of the AAMA activities above, or should you have an idea / project you would like to undertake or a donation to make, please reach out to me and we will get you more involved and support you as best we can.
With respect
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Mass General Brigham Compliance HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you in error but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly dispose of the e-mail.
Please note that this e-mail is not secure (encrypted). If you do not wish to continue communication over unencrypted e-mail, please notify the sender of this message immediately. Continuing to send or respond to e-mail after receiving this message means you understand and accept this risk and wish to continue to communicate over unencrypted e-mail.